Wednesday 29 October 2014

Homesick/Immigration: Language issues in cross-cultural communication


Language issues in cross-cultural communication

Language is the tool used by humans to communicate, to express thoughts, needs and feelings (Tomalin, & Hurn, 2013). Within the same culture, the transmission of ideas is facilitated by similar shared values and signals used to send a message (Tomalin, & Hurn, 2013). Inter-cultural communication is the exchange of messages originating from different cultural backgrounds, using dissimilar signals, as well as ideas and meanings constructed in an unfamiliar context (Tomalin, & Hurn, 2013). Consequently, despite people communicating in a chosen common language, the comprehension of the message within an “intermarriage relationship” (Romano, 2008) is strongly influenced by the different cultural traditions they bring to the marriage (Tomalin, & Hurn, 2013). These differences may generate a number of misunderstandings and undermine the conversation and agreement between the couple (Tomalin, & Hurn, 2013).

Mrs Glaucia Barbosa,
PACFA Reg. Provisional 25212 
MCouns, MQCA(Clinical)  
ABN: 19 476 932 954


Romano, Dugan (2008). Intercultural Marriage. Intercultural Press. Retrieved from

Tomalin, B., & Hurn, B. J. (2013). Ebooks Corporation. Cross-cultural communication: Theory and practice. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dificuldades de linguagem na
comunicação intercultural

A linguagem é a ferramenta utilizada por seres humanos para se comunicar, expressar pensamentos, necessidades e sentimentos (Tomalin, & Hurn, 2013). Dentro da mesma cultura, a transmissão de ideias é facilitada por valores e sinais similares usados para enviar a mensagem (Tomalin, e Hurn, 2013). Acomunicação intercultural é a troca de mensagens provenientes de diferentes origens culturais, utilisando valores, idéias, sinais e significados construidos em um contexto tambem diferenciado (Tomalin, e Hurn, 2013). Consequentemente, apesar de as pessoas se comunicarem em uma linguagem comum escolhida por elas, a compreensão da mensagem dentro de um casamento intercultural (Romano, 2008) é fortemente influenciado pelas tradições culturais que eles trazem para o casamento (Tomalin, e Hurn, 2013). Estas diferenças podem gerar uma série de mal-entendidos e causar afastamento entre o casal (Tomalin, e Hurn, 2013).

Mrs Glaucia Barbosa,
PACFA Reg. Provisional 25212 
MCouns, MQCA(Clinical)  
ABN: 19 476 932 954

Romano, Dugan (2008). Intercultural Marriage. Intercultural Press. Retrieved from

Tomalin, B., & Hurn, B. J. (2013). Ebooks Corporation. Cross-cultural communication: Theory and practice.Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

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